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Preventing Fraud and Ensuring Data Integrity with Online Surveys Seminar Series

Online surveys are a popular data collection tool because they are inexpensive and easy-to-use and can help investigators reach vulnerable or hard-to-reach populations. However, online surveys can also be easy targets for fraud, which can compromise the integrity of study results. There are numerous techniques that can be used to deter and mitigate fraud. 

This six-part seminar series will offer practical recommendations to help you learn how to safeguard your data at each step in the research process, from study design through data analysis.

Module 1: Critical Review of Literature

Presenter: Elizabeth Beverly, PhD
This session will provide helpful tips and information to assist you in the critical review of literature as related to online survey research. Specifically, this session will strive to answer questions about what information researchers should look for in publications that address how potentially fraudulent data has been handled in a particular study. 


Module 2:  Study Design

Presenter: Sharon Casapulla, EdD, MPH
This session will address study design, particularly related to survey research. We will discuss research design considerations and decision-making for ensuring data integrity in online research including planning for recruitment, participant incentives and the informed consent process. Brief case examples will be discussed. 


Module 3:  Fraud Protections in Qualtrics

Presenter: Eszti Major-Rohrer, Service Owner for Surveys at OHIO IT
This session will discuss fraud protections that are built into Qualtrics and how to activate them. 


Module 4:  Fraud Protections in REDCap

Presenter: REDCap Administrators
This session will discuss fraud protections that are built into REDCap and how to activate them. 




Module 5:  Participant Recruitment/Data Collection

Presenter: Lisa Forster, MS
This session will discuss patient recruitment and data collection and will provide tips and information on best practices for mitigating many of the fraudulent responses to surveys. 



Module 6: Data Cleaning/Data Analysis

Presenters: Lisa Forster, MS, and Bhakti Chavan, MBBS, MPH
My data has been collected, so what鈥檚 next? This session will provide helpful information on how to properly clean data to remove potentially fraudulent responses and how to analyze data that could have been affected by fraud.